A pioneer family of German descent who owns a farm of plenty acres between Harrington and Highway 2, carries out a heritage tradition on a half-acre patch of potatoes that is located in a stubble field. Family members will use muscles to dig the spuds, and fill buckets with their findings to be stored in the cellar. They usually get about six sacks, as weather is not too gentle around here for potatoes.
This family scene could easily be a duplication of rural Germany, because in the background up on a hill sets a country church that their grandfather helped build. It is still being put to use when Sunday morning rolls around.
By using ingenuity and the most modern farm equipment, this family was able to develop an excellent wheat and cattle ranch. Yet, from their busy schedule, they take time out in the spring to drop seed potatoes in this draw.
Later, a member or two of the family is sent out with a hoe to weed the potato patch. When the spuds are ripe a lot of time is spent to fork the potatoes out of the ground. This ritual is brought about by a way of life that has been adopted by many modern farm families. History may record them as “potato cults.”
Maybe it’s caused by the times when we all had to scratch for a living.
"Inherited Hang-ups" Kik-Backs, page 13, part 1 (continued) (home)
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